US-Iraq Talks: Spotlight on Kurdistan's Role: Dizayi
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US-Iraq Talks: Spotlight on Kurdistan's Role: Dizayi

ERBIL — Supporting the Kurdistan Region emerged as a focal point in recent meetings between Iraqi delegation and top US officials in Washington, according to a senior Kurdish official.

During an interview with BasNews, Safeen Dizayi, the head of the Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) Department of Foreign Relations, highlighted the main topics discussed during the meetings. Dizayi also emphasized the Kurdistan Region's importance in these discussions and the significant outcome of Prime Minister Masrour Barzani's recent visit to Washington.

[Below is the interview which was translated from Kurdish and edited for clarity and length.].

BasNews: Can you elaborate on the delegation's visit and discussions in the United States?

Dizayi: Certainly, we engaged in a series of meetings with ministers, parliament members, and advisors, covering various aspects including military, economic, and energy. My participation focused on the crucial meeting with President Biden, where we discussed Iraq's future relations with the United States. This encompassed not only military cooperation but also economic, energy, civil society, democratic, academic, scientific, and environmental dimensions. Over the past two days, we delved into these topics to forge a shared understanding and collaborative framework, setting a roadmap for bilateral relations.

BasNews: What stood out to you in the meeting between President Biden and Sudani?

Dizayi: A notable emphasis was placed on Iraq's imperative to diversify its economy by leveraging its energy resources, particularly natural gas, to foster self-reliance and political stability while ensuring the presence of Coalition forces. Additionally, there was acknowledgment of US support for Peshmerga forces and the resolution of Erbil-Baghdad disputes.

BasNews: Did the meeting between President Biden and Sudani address support for the Kurdistan Region?

Dizayi: Yes, support for the Kurdistan Region was indeed on the agenda. The discussions also endorsed the re-export of Kurdistan Regional Government's oil, benefiting both the region and Iraq, along with American companies involved.

BasNews: Were there any commitments from the Iraqi delegation regarding Kurdistan's salary and oil issues during their discussions with President Biden?

Dizayi: While the issue of salaries remains internal, it holds significance, and the United States advocates for the resolution of Erbil-Baghdad disputes, including the matter of Kurdistan's oil exports, which necessitates concerted efforts.

BasNews: How did the points raised during Kurdistan Region PM Masrour Barzani's visit to Washington influence US expectations from Sudani regarding the Kurdistan Region?

Dizayi: Prime Minister Barzani provided comprehensive insights and details during his visit, augmenting the information available to the United States through its consulates and embassies. This firsthand account empowered discussions with the federal government, enhancing the Kurdistan Region's standing in addressing pertinent issues.

BasNews: Considering US support for the Kurdistan Region in resolving its disputes with Baghdad, as evident in the Biden-Sudani meeting, how pivotal is the Kurdistan Region's role in fostering peace in the Middle East?

Dizayi: The Kurdistan Region's strategic significance is underscored by its robust economic, political, social, and democratic foundations, established since 1991. Its stability and security align with US interests in the region. The recent congressional advocacy further underscores the desire to support the region, emphasizing the need for internal problem-solving complemented by external assistance.

BasNews: Was your inclusion in the Iraqi delegation at the behest of Baghdad or Erbil?

Dizayi: Our participation stemmed from Sudani's invitation, echoing a similar engagement at the United Nations General Assembly last September. This demonstrates efforts towards bolstering relations and addressing shared challenges.

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