ERBIL — Apples from the Kurdistan Region's Kani Mase district in Duhok province are set to be exported to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the near future, a Kurdish official said on Sunday.
As the apple season nears its conclusion, apples suitable for export are now housed in warehouses, with only the packaging process remaining. "The rest will be used for other items, and once the process is completed, we will export directly," Ahmad Jamil, the Director of Agriculture in Duhok, told Kurdistan 24.
This move comes as part of the Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) ninth cabinet's extensive focus on the agricultural sector. The KRG has been working to transition from an import-heavy approach to an export-oriented one. The move is expected to involve diplomatic efforts to open export routes for Kurdistan's products to foreign markets, boosting domestic production.
Earlier in January, Jalil Salihi, the supervisor of the pomegranate export project in the prime minister's office, highlighted that the upcoming strategy will include the establishment of an institution for agricultural products. This institution will facilitate the export of Kurdish agricultural goods to the Gulf countries, European Union, and the UK.
The official noted at the time that other than pomegranates, the KRG was also gearing up to export apples, grapes, and honey. Plans are in motion to further support farmers and streamline the process of exporting their produce to international markets.